Yeah, refusing to answer a question you can't answer is one way to obliterate someone I suppose.
I see. I paraphrased Acts chapter 2. You dislike the story about Peter confronting the Jews in Acts 2 by pointing out their sin of murdering...
I have no clue which post you are talking about. Nonetheless, assertions backed up without argumentation don't amount to anything, so there is...
You are being unreasonable here. Jesus was never directly asked about homosexuality. I acknowledged that, and I explained why he wasn't asked...
I completely disagree that Luke 1 makes a "tenuous case" on the status of a fetus being an image bearer of God. That is wishful thinking. It...
The death penalty should stay. I think it should definitely apply to murder. I'm on the fence about rape. In Genesis, the death penalty was...
Jesus doesn't equate capitalism with greed like you do. He does condemn greed, though.
I think it is telling no one will straight up answer my question about Jesus commanding his disciples to form a massive welfare state. It shows...
Can you show me where Jesus teaches that his disciples must create a massive welfare state?
You actually make a good point here. It is not sufficient to show that Jesus did it. I have to show that God has prescribed telling people that...
The things that God does are often off-limits to us because we are not God. It is wrong for human beings to play God. God is God, not us. The...
What in the sermon on the mount am I forgetting? And FWIW, telling someone they are in the wrong is not wrong. There are many examples where...
This is the leftist strategy: intertwine pro-life with big government welfare programs. Ipso facto to be pro-life you have to support a bunch of...
FWIW, the security of the believer is in God's grace. That is where my hope is. Believers still sin, but there is also a desire to please God...
I don't think it is presumptuous if you know what the Bible says and you are living an examined life with an intent to obey Christ.
I do, but it is an imperfect obedience. I have been saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved.
It will be the law of the land one day. You'll see. Christ's enemies will be placed under His feet. Better obey Jesus now.
It is a bad analogy because the mother does nothing and goes about living her life in a normal way and she has a healthy baby (assuming no...
The state exists for purpose of person-to-person justice. When it comes to things like idolatry, covetousness, lust, etc I am not advocating any...
To put it simply, failure to submit to the authority of Christ is to declare war against heaven. The Father has chosen Jesus to rule and reign...