To argue moral relativism from that verse, where nothing can be called good or evil, is to pervert God's word. That is not what it means. The...
Truth belongs to God, not you or me. Let God be true and every man who contradicts His truth a liar.
By that I meant the conditions are there. Someone who has committed a crime, but has yet to stand before the judge is ripe for judgment. They...
All I am required to do is obey God. Speak the truth in love. What you do with that truth is between you and God. What you do with it has no...
God has made you free to make your own decisions, but moral decisions have consequences. The more evil you choose to give yourself over to, the...
Or it could be something you are saying because it is a defense mechanism of someone who does not want to repent. I challenge you or anyone else...
Nope, what I am speaking is true, not false.
You may think of it as a joke, but the devil is in the business of bringing people under judgment so that they will be damned. That is the...
Jesus said, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." Murder comes from the...
I don't think the commandment was about looking good. And I don't think it was about effectiveness or efficiency. I think the commandment was...
Well, you have to think about the audience. Who was Jesus telling to help the poor? It was Jesus' disciples this was said to. Jesus never said...
Yes, that is what taxation is, and I still stick by that definition. I described it in those terms because people often quote the passages about...
Let the record stand that post #1195 was my first post in the thread. It was very much an on-point post about the topic at hand. I was not the...
Jesus did acknowledge the authority of the state in certain things. The power to tax belongs to Caesar. Read Psalm 2, though. In the book of...
My take on your question...Neither Jesus, nor the apostles, prescribed a governmental structure. I think that was on purpose. You see if you...
You are asking good questions here. The worldview that makes the most sense of your question is the Christian worldview. People are made in the...