Have you lived in the United States the past two years? And were you living here before that?
I was simply speaking of what the Bible says about it. She said if you remarry and your spouse is not dead, then you are an adulterer. That is...
Yeah, then you define pro-life by some kind of leftist-socialist wish list...seen that strategy before. The power of the perversion of words....
I think you are purposefully trying to interpret the Bible in the most absurd way possible because that gives you a pretext to live for yourself...
For the most part, Catholicism has a correct view of the moral law of God. The major differences have to do with other things.
Wrong question. The correct question is: What has God revealed about abortion? Not everything revealed by God was directly spoken by Jesus, and...
Good luck squaring that away with what the Pope just said in recent days about abortion.
Pope Francis compares abortion to 'hiring a hitman to solve a problem' (msn.com) Hey, every once in a while the Pope is right about something. I...
Well, that would be what you call a hypocrite. Some people are hypocrites, but there are some who really practice what they preach.
I don't think you understand my view. When I speak of first principles, I am speaking of moral truth. Law is legislated morality, and the...
You start with first principles, and then you work to the specifics. There may be inconsistencies between the two, but first principles should be...
The 14th amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United...
A giant load of horse hockey. I can agree that there maybe is something to states not being ready and prepared for Roe to be overturned. That is...
The Hippocratic oath in its original form required physicians to swear to uphold the following: I will use those dietary regimens which will...
Some cults like Christian Science subscribe to this type of thinking. There are couple of refutations to this type of thinking. Jesus said,...
Ah, so this is all about what you want huh? That is some legal philosophy you’ve got there. [MEDIA]
Ectopic pregnancies can end in two deaths, and most definitely end in one death. Preserving life when we can is what it means to be pro-life....
Well, English common law came from the Bible, and that is where most of our laws come from. So good luck gutting most of our nation's laws and...
The Bible does speak to it, but you've closed your ears and you've closed your eyes because you don't want to hear and you don't want to see. In...
I think this is a little different than that. If someone says "I did not have an abortion," then not judging means assuming the best of the...