No value? None? Seriously? So when Billy and his staff go to review tape of FSU and their games this season- you know, as part of their jobs,...
ATM 37 UF 31
Texas style BBQ, especially brisket. Austin is a great city. That’s about it. Texas is the most overrated state in the US. Not that it’s bad...
Yep, he’s hurt. I dunno that any player, injured or not, spouting off on social media in the middle of the game is a good thing. But maybe I’m...
It was a tweet from our backup TE, presumably in reference to how UGA uses their TEs vs how we use ours. In addition, the tweet came out during...
If “get much better at coaching” is included under “patience”, I agree.
We have some really, really questionable coaching. I know we aren’t allowed to say the quiet part out loud around here, though.
Random Thoughts: -I have the same concerns after this game as I did coming in. We don’t have an identity, we don’t use our best weapon to his...
I can recall many successful coaches firing their OC and DC buddies and going on to win championships. Or not.
Incredibly stupid call. Take the FG every time in that scenario. In addition to being a terrible human being, Franklin is also a moron.
Forgot about the BDSM option. Very plausible.
Urban with really dark sunglasses on during the halftime show. Baseless, warrantless speculation- wicked hangover? Eye surgery? Forgot he left...
What side is the Gator sideline/fan section? Yeah, I realize we’ll be outnumbered 70-30, and perhaps the final score will match that…but...
I imagine there were a lot of Gator weddings this weekend.
4 star. Couldn’t beat out 3 stars Torrance (potential 1st round draft pick), Leonard, or White. Weird.
I don’t know that that’s true. Way too early to jump to that conclusion. And I’m not sure that our QB recruiting targets match that...
We could have easily kept that cheer. Change the official verbiage to “Gator Great!” and let the fans pronounce “great” however they please. but...
What about those of us who feel we need better players as well as better coaching?