11 hundy...come on down Frosty!
The fact that Kelly chose a tier 2 school speaks volumes about him, not us.
That's who Chip Kelly chose to coach for. So he turned down the opportunity to coach on the big stage, climb the tallest mountain, and go toe to...
I would think so. I can't see any coach signing a contract with a different team during the week that he's supposed to be focused on leading his...
Ugh. Wow. Well it's Frost or bust at this point if that report is true. Rooting big time for USF today to shorten UCF's season and our wait for a...
It's like getting regular old green army soldiers for Christmas when you asked for the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip. [media]
What's for dessert at the McElwain family's Thanksgiving dinner? Death by chocolate!
Thanks Tilly! Would you be willing to say who you think #3 is? :)
Thanks for sharing, Gatorstew. This morning's coffee just got a little sweeter.
"Chip stuck Stricklin Fuchs up". :p
21 said: ↑ BenTrill and Tilly what are ya'll confidence level of us getting Chip on a scale of 1-10? Tilly, what if it's not Kelly? On a...
This scene immediately comes to mind... [media]
If you ask the Homecoming Queen to go to the prom with you and she says no because she wants to go with another guy, did you screw up? No! You...
This! I just cannot see someone as competitive as him choosing second fiddle UCLA over Florida and the chance to win SEC championships and...
Lots of dispensaries in SoCal...
My first mushroom experience was at Mardi Gras 1990. Talk about an experience! Everything looked like mirrors in a fun house. Total spectacle. I...
It's been many, many years ago for me unfortunately but try mushrooms if you ever get the chance. 4 hours of laughing so hard your ribs will be...
There was an after hours place downtown called Simon's, between buildings in an alley way. In the early 90s they didn't even serve beer if I...
Aha, ok, thank you. These memories are shrouded in a thick fog!
Wow. The Florida Theatre...saw some great bands play there. Widespread Panic! And man, Phish blew the roof off the joint. I get that not everyone...