The comment is not about abortion. It was an attempt to bring attention to the hypocrisy of alleged "pro-life conservatives" claiming to be...
Cool, so they all admit publicly that they were co-conspirators in High Treason and should all be taken out and shot!! Excellent.
You assume an awful lot. You also grossly underestimate the cooperation between police states around the world. Yes, the US by itself does not...
That is actually not true. Further, conspiracy to commit terror (or whatever the proper legal language is) is frequently used by federal...
Seems odd that federal prosecutors have not charged them with terror related crimes, only immigration violations.
So, the system worked and the FBI alerted ICE, after monitoring these people to see where they would lead authorities, to take them into custody....
HA. Me too.
I am not sure that message made it to all parts of Tennessee. Also, just because an organization votes on something, does not mean all members...
Interesting. My friend was the pastor for a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation, which is decidedly liberal. It is very different from the...
The song lyrics most definitely were and believe me when I tell you that here in the Bible Belt I see the imagery. Here there is a billboard on...
Fact is, Clark is a shooter who plays point guard. They have 3-4 other points guards who are only slightly less effective shooters, equally good...
The escalating offensive and sacrilegious imagery that these phony Christians/Conservatives continue to use is really starting to reach epic...
Whew. Thank goodness we keep electing the "ideology" of letting children starve or go mal-nourished when they do not have to. I never use the...
Unfortunately, building those chips in the US is completely useless if you have to ship die to China for Test and Assembly. Further, almost 100%...
It was an excellent start. What would be a great follow up is a bi-partisan effort in Congress to fund bringing the entire supply chain on-shore....
This is a really good article. Unfortunately, I think it is behind a pay-wall. I took 3 paragraphs out of various parts of the article to try...
That is an interesting take. He sounds like every arrogant tool from McKenzie that I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. Like most at...
Will be interesting to watch. Any organization that has to try and sell the notion of "promoting free thinking" repeatedly in their propaganda...
Why do you guys respond to this BS troll?
Does the plan include setting up forced Lobotomization centers for anyone left in that state with functioning brains?