Cannot fault farmers for saving their livelihood. However, to replace thousands of acres of fruit producing trees with trees that produce beans...
Another fine effort from the US military and the Pentagon. Nothing like a good anti-vaccine program during a global pandemic and other ridiculous...
Interesting choice of words. Pretty much is the hallmark of your entire False-god movement and idolatry.
Will not be surprised when Putin's puppet president just gives Alaska back to Russia as a sign of fealty and to repay the massive debts his phony...
So, paying for other people to have an abortion, something your Orange Haired deity has done and was called out by Maureen Dowd for doing it is...
Trump shows signs of mental defect. Biden shows signs of being 80 years old and under a ton of stress. I am guessing you do not know what...
Your hypocrisy has slipped out. You list your grievances against the Democratic Party, yet swear your fealty to the most morally corrupt,...
Nothing puts a magnifying glass on the anti-American sentiment of the middle and upper class neighborhoods when the break out the "we should not...
If it turns out that you find it compelling, Higginbotham's new book Challenger: The True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space is...
Probably the point I remind everyone I am not an expert on nuclear power. I studied the effects of radiation on metal components. However, I...
In a nutshell, yes, western reactors are designed (not necessarily operated) to be as safe as possible while using uranium fuel. That said, I...
There are still 8 RBMK-II reactors in operation across the former Soviet Union. They have had the fuel channels and control rod system...
The operators tried a very dangerous experiment in the middle of the night after the reactor had sat at half power all day (key point). During...
I picked up a copy of Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Family. At the same time, I picked up another book from the "Current...
I believe that the Pentagon war mongers are always trying to convince presidents that there is a war looming somewhere and if we just "fire first"...
Pretty much the Edith Bolling Galt Wilson or Nancy Reagan playbook.
It is amazing to me how easily brains are twisted by MAGA dogma, and pure fiction becomes reality in their minds. It is worse than a cult with...
Fair enough. However, what most people are doing now, TSMC does it in Taiwan and Intel plans to do it in Ohio is to build 2 separate fabs at...
Tommy Tubberville: 2009 - started a Hedge Fund for that defrauded investors out of$Millions. His partner went to jail and good old Tommy had to...
Chips Act is largely political theater. When a single wafer fab costs ~ 20 $Billion, an $80B outlay is nothing but political show. Further,...