It wasn't just the W-L record. From 2022 to 2033, goal scoring increased 50% (16 to 24) and goals against decreased 55% (33 to 15). Better than...
Gators earn the tie with SC 0-0. They nearly won it with 6 minutes to go, but the defender tipped it away from Hinnenkamp at the last second. (I...
Game ends with SC scoring a goal. BUT, they were offsides. Final: 0-0 A great game by Florida!
Curtis has been incredibly dangerous this half. 2 minutes to go.
Goldburg snatches a ball just inches from going in.
Gators just miss a GOLDEN opportunity to take the lead.
SC had a very dangerous chance a few minutes ago. But since then, the Gators are REALLY carrying the fight to them.
18 minutes to go. Still 0-0. Gators' defensive pressure is high but very disciplined. Giving SC absolute fits!
Hinnenkamp makes a nice flick at goal, but GK gets to it. Then, Goldburg nicely thwarts a SC attack on goal.
Bailey creates a breakaway at midfield for Hinnenkamp, who promptly steers it straight to a SC defender.
Bailey and Hinnenkamp both starting the 2nd half, and Gators immediately create pressure. Then the ref ignored an obvious SC handball in the box.
Halftime: 0-0. Very even so far. Both teams have created good chances, and both have played good defense. UF's passing in the midfield was more...
I'm expecting UF to play their very best this evening. C'mon Gators. Get up and go!
It was a joke. Smile a little.
Well, maybe. SC just thumped Jawja on Sunday. It was a big statement game for SC because UGa has won the division (and automatic bye in the...
Looking further at the tiebreaker: I suspect the SEC will interpret the 3-team tiebreaker, section C, to mean, "If section A and section B don't...
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Only the first section applies: "If all teams have played one another..." The other two apply only when...
Or, maybe, Animal House.
Looking at SEC tournament possibilities: If UF loses (vs S.Car), they're out. A win versus S.Car would put them in at 9th or 10th seed. A tie...
I admit: I don't understand how divisional points affect selection of the tourney teams. EDIT: I just fund this on the SEC website: "Seeding 1-10...