This is by far the most obvious explanation for what he did.
Fight or flight are the 2 typical reactions, not flight or surrender. He wasn't expecting to be chased down by guys with guns and had to make a...
I knew some guys that came up with a game called slappy ball years ago. Wasn’t dirty but would love to hear a Senator ask them about it someday
Your post reminds me of the following quote. I guess we we will find out in November if it holds true. When I face an issue of great import...
The Renate explanation doesn’t seem believable to me. I’m not going to claim I know for certain he is lying about it but calling other guys...
Someone’ yearbook entry said they lost at Devil’s Triangle, which would indicate that it was some type of game. Someone else said they came up...
Based on what? Is there anything you can find on the Internet prior to 2006 where that phrase was used to mean anything other than the Bermuda...
No idea what they meant by it in the early 80’s but pretty idiotic to think it meant a threesome just because someone in 2007 posted it in Urban...
Nowhere in your article does it say that the sources are from within the FBI so the headline doesn't match the story. If they were, then the...
This would be an example of the headline not matching the story. The FBI didn’t say it doesn’t have approval. Two anonymous sources said it and...
I agree that the number of false reports is very small compared to the number of real reports. I just don't think we have a meaningful statistic...
The 2% number comes from a few different studies that show sexual assault allegations that are reported to police are determined to be false. The...
Not a lawyer, but he would have to prove that she was falsely accusing him. Not an easy thing to prove unless she actually comes out and admits...
If other students were emailing each other without, or before, having been contacted by her then it would be significant news depending on the...
According to The NY Times, she had been calling former Yale classmates about it. Why would it be weird that they would email each other about it?
That's a pretty poorly worded comment from NBC. Are they familiar with the accusation or are they familiar with the incident? Ramirez recently...
Congratulations on your perfect memory. Do you recognize that most people would not be able to state with 100% certainty if they had been at a...