No, new normnal needs to be somewhere in between. Underwirting doesn't work with current rate and prices.
I found a quote by Tolstoy in the book I'd like to share. I try to keep this in mind when I discuss politics. Still, I fail regularly. "One of...
It wasn't my intent to compare purchasing and selling a speculative stock to purchasing a book or paying to hear a speech. I'll see my way out of...
I stand corrected. Honestly, I haven't followed it at all. I'm not active on any social media platform and it's probably the last stock I'd...
And this thread is a trip. I loathe Trump, but the same libs on here making fun of a guy for creating at worst case hundreds of millions think...
Almost every IPO has been lately. Reddit is down 10% so far. Institutions make their money out of the gate and the plebes get the overvalued...
Hey, I didn't say it was gonna be an easy sweep for Florida.
Last two batters swung at ball four. Durn
It was a joke. I don't believe in jinxes. I assure you my post had nothing to do with our poor batting.. again. Anyway, no way mizzou has an...
They do. I don't. I can drink beer during the game.
Easiest sweep we'll ever have.
Check again. And the Fed will be late to cut rates. Things have changed drastically in the construction/development industry in the last 2 months.
We haven't landed yet. Sit tight.
Those numbers can't be real. 87% miss first day of work? No way.
We can cut spending for sure. There's a plethora of waste in all levels of government. But it ain't just Biden's fault.
I get it, but with the numbers I'm talking about, there isn't really any risk to the insurance companies. My deductible would cover new roofs for...
I've been quoted 2.5% of value for a brand new storage building. 5% windstorm deductible!! Premium up 350% since original 2022 quote. Absolutely...
A couple are real drags on the BA so I don't think it's as bad overall as it looks. I doubt there's another starter under .180 in the SEC besides...
If we keep taking 2 of 3 on the weekend, I'm ok with dropping every weekday the rest of the season.
It's sad the GOP won't have to provide a platfrom and will still probably win the WH in Nov. Got to feel bad to lose that one.