Man, the holiday season is upon us and I want to eat whatever I want. But if I do, I don't think my "40-0" shirts will fit. DAMMIT!
90 percent? That is fine. If they had said "98 percent" then I would have said "not coming." UF gallows humor, you gotta love it!
What's not to like about this team? Very little.
Just like Lagway = Mahomes. Maybe, but not yet.
I wasn't sure I was going to post about the recruiting haul or not. It was just that I got sucked into the idea that we were finding a nice niche...
Um, that isn't the correct thing to do? [img]
Welcome aboard! Just ignore me while I attend to matters... [img]
In August, I was offered a deal to buy some "L's" and I turned it down. I figured there is NO WAY anyone could use so many of them in one season....
This is all they need to do. Honest. [MEDIA]
It is all about how many fannies in the seats for the actual game organizers. The TV guys (ESPN) want intrigue but they want to sell tickets,...
Other than a starting QB in his contract year. Cha CHING!
Hit 3s and FTs and there is NO team that we can't beat.
Aw crap. We are screwed!!! You have to like a Gator fan...
Sorry things did not work out. Best wishes.
I am reminded of the joke where the self-employed person had to sue his employer for sexual harassment...
The only buzz kill playing UNC is they are HC-less. Not sure we gain anything and could lose a lot. But I definitely prefer a Tampa game.
If this thread begins to wind down because of our recent multi-week afterglow, I just want to let you know of your efforts to keep the thread...
My take? [img]