I wonder if congress could tack on details to be worked out by the bureaucracy to the end of the bills?
Oh so they are going to eliminate the income averaging over three years? Try to think before you post.
The number of third term abortions is minute and most are done because of the fetus being non viable or carrying the fetus to term could be fatal...
What percentage of rapes is reported? And what is the acceptable number of women to be forced to carry their rapists fetuses to term.
Rick Scott is running an ad right now saying he is in favor of IVF, but his party opposes it. He is such a tool does anyone believe that after his...
I don’t care about the stars. With his heritage I had him pencilled in as a starter at birth.
The ncaa did something sensible. That’s a first.
Have you tried Everglades tomatoes? They are tiny but don’t think they have the fruiting issue below 72 degrees.
The answer is to make them employees and have collective bargaining. I know that makes them pros but who are we kidding now.
In today’s wacko world. I don’t count on anyone until fall practice begins.
The felonious djt
I heard the other day that we shouldn’t consider the Bible as a book but as a library. Some books are fantasy. Some books are historical fiction....
Some of us have skink ignored. Don’t judge a sight by an outlier.
Well the article seemed to imply that relationships go thru phases and strict monogamy seems to be less important.
There is an article on npr about the future of relationships. Seemed a little sensational but monogamous relationships seem to be on the wane.
And if you wanted to take part in a poll push polls outnumber “real polls” probably at least 10 to one.
Don’t leave out North Korea. That must add at least 50 dollars to Russian gdp.
Polling has gotten much more difficult. How do you get a representative sample. No one will answer their phones or doors to anyone holding a...
It is Louisiana. Isn’t it vaguely catholic?