I kind of agree but I side on freedom over protecting people with feint hearts. Kids either won’t know what the word means or use it more than...
Are you certain that’s a she?
I am wondering what your question is. If a New York court overturns the conviction I will accept that. If the nonsense Supreme Court overturns it...
I am in favor of open borders. Let anyone in who wants to come but issue them a social security number upon arrival. Shoot anyone who pays someone...
Have him first order a hit on trump. Then he can do the never ending nap.
Well I really got political but replaced my screed with the apology. lol
I forgot which board I was on. Didn’t mean to get political in the wrong spot.
A fake wrestling team? We all know which president took part in one of those shams.
When that search book where’s Waldo came out my answer was always I found it once and will avoid it for the rest of my life.
I think I am caught in out of date thinking. I think where you make your speeches and where your running mate is from still matters. I will have...
I wonder how motivated women and young will be to vote democratic down ticket. The whole party wants women barefoot and pregnant.
I thought she was a strange choice for vp. She was from a safe state. It seemed to be a strange calculus that had her as an answer. I really don’t...
I have the sportrak pickup. Slightly better than the suv. There are people who actually like it. lol. It has been a reliable car but I am looking...
There’s four months before the election. A lot could happen both ways.
I like Klobuchar she is not exciting but I think the nation could use quiet competence.
I drive a 2002 ford explorer pickup. I don’t even lock it anymore.
Think it was 24 in the mid eighties
So are you talking about Trump here? It fits
I suspect he is more valuable if he has a more public profile. I think continue doing sec nation might be part of the deal
I have seen no testimony and just read the press stories but from them is it any surprise that the jury couldn’t convict. Why any un corroborated...