Charles DeGaulle set up the government to work for him. Every time something happens unprecedented we are told this will be the end of this...
[ATTACH] Actually I am a registered Republican. Living in Florida the Republican primaries typically are the real elections. Just had a friend...
All the Christian moralists interest in women and fetuses end after birth.
I suspect that if a change is made it will be made moments after the last denial. It would be political suicide to admit to thinking of withdrawing.
To the victor belongs the spoils. I wonder how similar Jackson’s populism is to trump?
I was so confused until I figured that out. ETGator is a calm rational poster. ETGator1 is not. I could expound on this thought but don’t want a...
I am no insider and have no information. I don’t think it’s wins and losses this year. I think it how we look on the field this year. Wins and...
Wondering how to play all your guards or bigs seems like a good problem to have. Wasn’t it just a year or two ago we didn’t have enough quality...
I just listened to a podcast done by the freakonomics guys about how are party system is a duopoly most interested in maintaining the duopoly. It...
And didn’t they have a phrase on their uniforms during ww2 gott mit uns?
I don’t have tattoos and probably will die without one. I have seen them become more and more socially accepted. My guess is in the future nearly...
Doesn’t matter a miscarriage should be punished as involuntary manslaughter. If you believe what the anti woman party is espousing.
My guess and it’s only my a guess is that Putin will be firmly in charge of Russia until he is falling out a window. I suspect that will happen in...
So the orchestra is still okay? Don’t know what I would listen to in December without them. lol
Trumpers in my neighborhood fly their trump flags with the stars and bars under it. It’s free speech so I get they are allowed but it annoys me....
There seems to be a group of people who take their being stupid as a virtue. The kind of guys who park in charging lanes with their jacked up...
And perhaps a heart beat.
Somebody drives around town with a f Brandon flag on their truck. Every time I see it I think what a maroon and go about my day.
Until they play in todays crazy world.
How much of Alaska is federal land?