Let’s hope it’s not prescient. Gatorcassandra? Not Gatorpa?
I agree with this. I worry about trump being president for life but I don’t think this will happen. I think women and the young are going to...
Gonna be some interesting commercials. All the dems saying Biden needs to go home and Vance saying horrible things about Donald and women.
Vance may be the only person Trump could lose with. I think it’s gonna be something safe and boring maybe Rubio?
I like this. Let the players decide if he should stick.
We can hope.
There should be a manifesto somewhere coming out of his. My guess is it won’t make much sense but we may be able to glean what he was trying to say.
There was a lot of stupid to go around from what I read on that set. I don’t think what Baldwin did was criminal. The whole court case was bizarre...
Didn’t he donate 15 bucks when he was like 17 he registered to vote since then.
I will repeat. I am a registered Republican been one for nearly 20 years. I am no lover of trump though.
Not my ears but reading your drivel is making my eye twitch. lol
If he had said it after or near the time of the shooting it could have been incendiary, but it wasn’t and the guy said it 8 months ago and...
So he said this 9 months ago and apologized a day later. Was this posted here to obfuscate or does the original poster not know.
It was a 20 year old who was registered as a Republican but gave 15 dollars to an organization trying to register people. My guess is we will find...
I thought this too but I just don’t think trump would let anyone shoot near him. The crazies are riled up on both sides. I imagine there will be...
When people tell you who they are believe them.
Gray may have been a touch to conspiratorial for some.
There is a different skill set to being a head coach and an offensive coordinator. They don’t overlap as much as you can. An offensive coordinator...
I own a big dog whose couch is besides my front door. He is a sweetheart but doesn’t like strange men. If you want to rob me have a woman enter my...
Only word I would add is competent.