Agree here. Again, I had hope for him. Young and well educated. Appeared moderate. Then a total swing to the far right. Yes, he is...
Yeah. No. I'm out. No thanks.
Exactly. You know best, right?
What peer reviewed studies do you have to support this opinion? Please share.
Anecdotal...but my hard red friends are sick of it and think it is hurting him nationally. Again, anecdotal but I have seen Rubio, Scott and...
What non-Desantis lawyers think he is going to win? Please share their names and opinions as to why. Your opinion is null and void at this point.
All I can say is wow. RINO! I wonder if people on the right actually take this in and internalize what he is saying. Or are they quick to...
Agree with this post. Too much rush to judgement on every single thing.
Doesn't make any sense. So, all the passengers are now considered violent because of the hijackers? Another BLACK OR WHITE decision. No gray,...
Who claimed he was a white supremacist? Have not seen that anywhere. CNN? Trash.
Are you white and Christian? He absolutely reduced the voice of POC when he gerrymandered the state. There is zero argument on that fact. Would...
What he actually said was "white supremacists are the biggest terrorist threat to our country". Considering what happened on Jan 6th, is he...
Great post. Thank you for that.
You are SURE. Your words. How is that not knowing what she is thinking? What does SURE mean in your world?
You said liberal hogwash. What did you mean by that then? Now, you know what she is thinking going forward? Seriously? You're just making up...
What the heck are you trying to say? If a protest was peaceful from 6-10pm - and someone breaks a window at 10:01 it is now defined as...
There is no way you could possibly know what she meant. Even so, many red states are trying to take her rights away. I'm going to bet she still...
That is a pretty broad brush. This is akin of the left trying to paint all cops bad based on a few bad apples.
No wonder we have folks that think they are at "war". I wish both sides we tone it down.