In this post, publishing retractions of errors is the same thing as ..... ...... not publishing retractions of known defamatory public lies, and...
Knows nothing about this. Believes Trump's lies because... .... Trump said them. Despises a career military public servant because. ..........
Why should anyone recap 8+ years of history for you? Just so you can ignore reality. Start with the nearly $1 billion settlement from Fox "News."
Disgraceful that Americans tolerate any of this.
It's fun to see Trumpies not just believe, but passionately repeat the lies they are told. Sad too. But funny.
The vileness has no bottom. Correction - the un-American vileness has no bottom. Now watch them pretend it didn't happen.
We should all be given a single "This is Actually the Greatest Post I've Ever Read Here" award. Mine is given here.
News to me. Perhaps you can point out some of the untrue things I've said?
You're putting this very charitably. This is far worse than a "lack of empathy." This is a disgusting public abuse of a career military officer....
Also, every single thing about OJ Simpson wasn't bad. So it's perfectly reasonable to fully support him, and to come forward on the rare...
Trump is an un-American criminal. It would be redundant to say that he doesn't give a shit about our country. It's sort of interesting to watch...
Lol. What does this even mean? "Sure, Trump is a racist, un-American criminal who degrades career military officers, sexually assaults women and...
Because, despite a career of serving our country. .......she made Orange Daddy mad. And we looooove Orange Daddy.
When you get old does it take a huge amount of words to communicate "I was just saying something untrue again" ?
That poster is but a different flavor of shouting "FAKE NEWS!" when he dislikes the facts. Degrades the concept of honest discourse.
Buddy, are you really asking what this means? The findings, including unflinching characterizations of furtive interactions between Trump...
God provided Trump all of the women to rape.
^ Trump and Trumpies don't care. Crucial aid sits in warehouses worldwide as USAID employees are told to stop working
Considering that you apparently want your own nation to deport appx 9 million non-citizens who are gainfully employed, don't you think you might...