So if we limit your absurd comparison to collegiate performance only, as that is the only objective comparison i refer you to THE SPEACH made by...
At least matt is consistent in his defense AR including the same basic talking points.
This actually speaks to the quality of outside advice he has received all year. Had he played the team game of college football winning as many...
Except most candidates for jobs have a track record of success not mediocre performance on important metrics. AR has a history of mediocre...
I’ll distill it for you AR has more athleticism than any previous QB and his stay in the league will be short lived like many before him
According to Oxford languages: Talent is natural aptitude or skill. Therefore you are incorrect AR neither possessed or demonstrated talent at...
Disagree nobody says that player is able, they label them talented. Think of innate gift that is beyond athletic. AR is athletic
Ill take a stab at defining talented. It means being able to control and demonstrate command of your athletic gifts. Think WRs with speed and...
See bold refer to point #1. No they dont, best player or best athlete/most athletic? Clearly the latter had he been the best player we would...
Your supposition doesnt hold water. BY might have recognized the pressure presnap and hit the hot route. Guaranteed he throws a more catchable...
So there is a huge chasm seperating our perspectives. I choose the oline and running game as bright spots. Yes coach began cleaning up the mess...
Not gonna discuss defensive performance in this thread I concur our QB play wasnt championship level. This isnt a surprise as outlined above glad...
The level of rationalization for an average QB producing his historical level of achievement wrt W&L os astounding. Posters have blamed everyone...
According to SOS that would actually be AU wrt the crayons
Former Florida quarterback Anthony Richardson spoke for 15 minutes at the NFL combine in Indianapolis on Friday morning, and he didn't mince words...
Here’s everyone’s favorite qb talking to the media. The headline is from the gville sun [ATTACH]
You can sidestep the paywall by using the reader version Bryan Gantt is the UGA cleaner. He is involved in all police matters and football...
Another note no way do i let my 105lb daughter play boys lacrosse. Good luck