There are some groups that don't value healthy and loving families. Nihilists don't believe in anything, but I get your point. There are certain...
Judges across the board operate with a whole lot of cover. Living constitutionalists happen to conveniently operate with the most.
They can’t use textual meaning? As in the correct meaning of the text at the time, rather than the overturned incorrect meaning? It’s not like...
My critique of living constitutionalists is that it comes from fuzzy and ill-defined places. Gives them the power to flip flop and really do...
Not if the language in the Florida Constitution relied on cases overturned by Dobbs.
It does if the privacy language was modeled after one of the abortion cases that Dobbs overturned. It’s not “changing” the original meaning. It’s...
It’s “textualism” relying on Dobbs, not judicial activism.
Also, it’s noted in the opinion itself, but it appears as though the Dobbs decision played a role in the analysis regarding the scope to the right...
There are debates between originalists, textualists, and everything in between. Should you value the meaning of the text, should you value the...
Is it standard for people to provide an explanation for a reversal from a law review article they wrote? It probably would be if it was case law,...
Flawed originalist thinking is superior to thinking with no guiding principle. This isn’t necessarily “rejecting” originalism. It’s probably a...
That would be the cynical view. But I also find it a problem that he felt the need to lie about his views in the first place if your read of the...
Isn't it possible Muniz was simply incorrect then, and is correct now? I don't expect some sort of mea culpa for having a different opinion...
I think Florida is important enough that you can never ignore it as a Republican. We should've learned our lesson from 2020 Georgia. And if you...
I think the secular point is an easier point to make just because people typically don't look at the Bible as persuasive when it comes to policy....
You're not directly addressing it, but that's sort of the Christian paradox. My position is that God provides a direction and standard to...
That said, this forum is a sneer-fest against conservatives.
Not really related to the original post because I don't represent everybody, but I don't think the left is unintelligent. I think they have a...
I stopped at 1 and 2 because 1 and 2 are not true.
The only policy argument in favor of tariffs is a short-term pressure point on other countries to enact or enforce other policies that favor the...