Almost certainly a face saving announcement. The ordinance used by the Israeli's was almost certainly a Rampage Missile fired from an F-35I...
I agree that Trump has nothing to gain and everything to lose by debating Harris. Anyone with even a modestly developed intellect would embarrass...
Ironic. Coming less than 30 days after Iran showed off its new AD-200 High Altitude, Long Range Anti-Aircraft System at a defense expo in Qatar....
It is because he is more powerful than even a messiah. He can re-grow body parts through force of will.....OR...... More likely, the entire...
Yeah. Kind of feels like a test run for the BS that the Republi-ban is about to attempt in the United States.
Other than the CIA and members of the National Security Council discussing how they were horrified that Trump had shared top secret intelligence,...
Yeah....Trump is not the Anti-Christ. Whew. He is simply a convicted felon, pervert, adulterer, treasonous, liar and Russian shill who happily...
I disagree. We have a repub running around N Carolina running for governor claiming that the Holocaust did not happen, a women's body is not her...
There are more people posting their outrage in this thread than have watched the opening ceremonies of all Olympics ever. Did anyone posting...
Surrendering the hostages would end hostilities immediately. Let's not act like their aren't heinous killers on both sides of this. For the...
Dude, the Republican party ditched moral opinions when Harding and his Interior Secretary Fall sold federal lands managed by the US Navy for oil,...
The Last Supper was a da Vinci painting if memory serves. I do not see how that is connected to anything French.
A couple of comments. I would have never seen this if you had not posted it, why do you watch this kind of cr@p? Next, in the 3 nano-seconds I...
Worse, he is a lying POS George Santos wannabe who made up his financial background and his education background. Fortunately for him, the...
But, but, but.....she was fearing for her life because she saw a black person!!!
George Lang, James Bowman (aka JD Vance) and the right-wingers mounting up and getting ready to march out of Ohio after last night, heading for...
Apparently they read Nancy Reagan's memoirs. Donald Trump.
The independent vote will come down to local and regional biases. I would guess that most independents in Georgia are white and there is no...