I would love to see cross section TEM images of this. Just a guess, but in its reported configuration, it is not volume manufacturing capable....
How is a clueless buffoon who is solely a political appointee with no qualifications not a political discussion? I also do not believe that he...
At some point, Americans are going to have to grow up and simply declare these people the Domestic Terrorists that they are and take the...
Nothing scares a Repub more than free thinking and open education.
How many 16 year olds were "pre-installed" on board?
Sadly, literally everyone with common sense knew this buffoon who mismanaged a day care in Nebraska was not qualified for this job. This fact was...
While none of this shocks me, it continues to amaze me how stupid people are buying into this populace BS from the Republicans about caring for...
So far, Josh Stein is running an incredible stealth campaign. He literally has not said one thing of substance, and has just played clip after...
Mark Robinson, candidate for Governor and current Lt. Governor, is the perfect Republican. He and his wife refused to pay taxes for years, yet...
Unless it involves underage women, hookers or porn stars urinating on him, I do not believe any ideas originate with that mental midget.
Or he wanted full-throated endorsements from people like Elon dressed up like Ivanka. And have him/her pee all over him while speaking like...
She is not a brain damaged pathological liar who is being manipulated by foreign dictators who are owed huge financial favors to ensure the United...
Trump owes a lot of money to "daddy Vlad". American tax payers are about to re-ignite the Russian economy to save Trump yet again.
Seems like I have read some of these things somewhere before....just not sure I remember where. Hmm....
A lot of "formers" on that list. Are they just bitter about being "former" or do they truly support Harris?
Because WTF gets stopped while out walking in public with a child unless you are in redneck sh!thole state where police have delusions of...
Thank goodness. 499 people out of 8,060,000 registered voters in Ohio. That is .006% of the voter rolls were in error. I wonder how much of...
If that 90% is not speaking out in unison that the officers be a) fired and b) charged with child abuse, then they are part of the problem.
Most of us would not be stopped and questioned. Sad so many do not get this, or willfully ignore it.