I don’t think anyone is saying he needs to be out here talking smack. What we are suggesting is a laser focus on rivals, not referring to them as...
Just heard CBN on Stadium and Gale pod. That show is pretty good. I gotta give one of the hosts credit- he asked 3 questions no journalist asked/...
I see all this. True. But I think it speaks more to Andy Reid’s genius and the boring, staid, good ol boy network of the NFL. Reid PROVES you can...
They need to open it up for criticism and accountability. It’s the only profession you aren’t even allowed to talk about
UF has managed to ruin Gator growl, the parade and now the O&b game. And I’m always a “get rid of tradition I favor of what is good the students”/...
Note to self: have more conversations with this guy
I heard an LSU analyst get asked “why is Kelly having so much portal success” and he said “he’s got something to sell. Decent year but more...
We only need 3-5 straight top 5 recruiting classes. We can do it.
Ben Chasin them players away is more like it
Gainesville is in the middle of a housing crisis. I doubt storming the gates over football wins for a program that just invested millions into...
Yeah ….why did I put them on there ? Lol. I think maybe my brain did some thing because of the serious turns both teams took after that game
correct. Accurate depiction of me. I’m being a little b&;ch but still…. It’s a lot all at once
true. And you can chalk up a lot of - transfers, losses, recruiting whiffs offensive or defensive woes to an varied number of reasons- many of...
Scott Stricklin ? That you?
Totally agree about podcasting. It’s way better. Gator nation, gators breakdown, stadium and Gale all use deep dives and stats. That locked on kid...
That’s an awful argument: Fields also would’ve won 2 titles there lol. Bennett was good. Better than people give him credit for, but he won on the...
I do agree finding the middle ground is the thing to do. As a fan, I’d sell my soul to hand out bags and win titles. As a human being, I find it...
Consolidation of radio started with deregulation in 80s and 90s. It affects the media we consume big time. Same songs over and over. Same...
Soooo…. When old dudes and coaches were getting your money it was ok… when 18 year olds started getting it- you’re done? Cool