Somewhat related, I chuckled at the NCAA’s advertisement during the game last night pretty much begging people to become officials. I guess being...
Pics for those of us waiting it out in the parking lot with normal priced beverages?
I guess they’re gonna wait for this stuff to pass through and then try to squeeze it in before more stuff late evening.
Still a light rain here at Condron. Been about 20 minutes since the last big lightning/thunder that seemed to be from pretty far away. No...
Not just that- other countries too. Then again, everyone here seems to be from somewhere else. Idiocy knows no socio-ethno-demographic boundaries.
After a long drive from South Florida, I agree with you, but not because of the weather; rather, the absolute worst drivers on the planet. This...
What are we thinking for weather today? We gonna get this game in? Need to time my drive to Gville accordingly.
Add “Top 5 Public” to your list and the pool of eligibles decreases dramatically… and will almost certainly never include Ar-Kansas.
Unless you’re logging in via someone else’s username/password, you’re still ultimately paying a fee to watch, even on a “normal” ESPN channel.
Rooting for Stanford. A far better school than ATM and we have enough real SEC teams already in the Supers. Healthier for the sport to send...
We bunt like a team that doesn’t practice bunting.
So that’s how you bunt.
The simplest answer is 150 yearsish of baseball history and experimentation says the status quo is the overall best approach.
Is run rule a thing in post season play? Not that it matters. Can’t run rule teams when 60% of your lineup can’t hit the ball
Don’t think we’re in the position to make that claim.
Middle of the pack Bog 12 team. It just means more, or something.
You sound like those auto insurance commercials about “how to not turn into your parents”. No worries, I give my folks the same amount of ——. :D
Similar to the Texas RF yesterday. They teach good defense in Texas apparently!