So we are now back with the laptop and all this stuff was Russian? You know it was all a Russian plot a few a years ago, then it actually wasn't....
Buying votes!!!
You are probably right. but that is where parents need to help. It was said up thread, sex is male, female or transitioning, Gender, male, female...
You might should familiarize yourself with the Texas gun laws. If serious mental health issues had been the issue and treated or it spent time in...
So, I don't use the cool search engine and that is a tragedy. Glad you are so perfect. So the Trump campaign is using TikTok. Wasn't aware of that.
I would tend to think practically all of us want to help and be supportive of those that have a medical condition and transitioning. I find it...
I thought those were your thoughts, but I guess not, copied from the Guardian article. I would say though Texas law states it illegal to purchase...
Don't have it and probably never will. I see the dangers of it and many other social media outlets. It's just comical, I'm stating what is being...
Oh, I know how it works! Biden can hardly find where to exit a stage so do you think anyone actually thinks he is posting this stuff? Of course...
I think this whole conversation is about 2 different conditions. One you have a very minuscule number of humans born with gender dysphoria and...
No, I wouldn't expect 7.9 billion to accept my norms, especially the 100 million or so US lefties that know all. I'll be happy with the fact that...
Sorry for the exaggeration, it is 99.95%
So let me get this thinking. In 99.9999% of births you are born either male or female, scientific fact. But, if you choose to identify as the...
Ok?? How many of that type of persons are born annually?
I cannot believe you can't follow the logic! If you have male genitals but you CHOOSE you are a girl that is ok. If you are pregnant and CHOOSE to...!&&p=45bec7ed0345d8f1JmltdHM9MTcwNzc4MjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0xMjdlYzA2My05Y2RjLTY3NjMtM2ExMC1kMTRmOWQ2MjY2ZWImaW5zaWQ9NTUxOQ&ptn=3...
[ATTACH] I guess back when Al was fat, and Trump wasn't orange he wasn't so racist. Oh weight, that's when he was. I get so confused on today's...
I certainly don't believe the NFL is rigged, but I do believe the bias of "some" of the refs could become a concern. You see some refs make...
After reading this I was going to reply to many of the leftist here with my new reply, I guess not because it is edited as an insult, "Obtuse...
Well obviously, I do not like her. And some given titles, not sure what that really is worth. Eight years in the WH as first lady with a staff...