Who cares who is the President??? The issue on the border has been building for years! Trying to fix the border started with Obama and the cages...
Here you are again with they walk 100's if not thousands of miles horse $hit!!!! Have you seen the vast majority of the folks crossing? They...
You do know that north of 75-80% of asylum seekers are denied, don't you? Economy bad where I live does not qualify you for asylum.
You are correct in that walls are useless if you just allow any who cross to just come on in. If you send them back, then maybe it might be more...
You are spot on!!! The wall is merely a deterrent that will help "funnel" the crossings to controlled crossings, but work visas, the asylum...
Razor wire and shipping containers seem to help also!!!! As the Texas crossing have slowed dramatically, no wall, no attempt to curb, Arizona and...
I agree, otherwise you are on a witch hunt in search of a potential crime. I'm just not sure the other evidence of the shell companies and bank...
Well...... I would say right is right and wrong is wrong, with the cavoite, that if I was trying to get a loan and knew I could afford the...
I may have missed something, but isn't this just an Impeachment inquiry? This is the phase of investigation to determine if an impeachment is...
I would ask you how many other NY real estate moguls have been fined nearly $400 mil, when the bank and all involved were happy and didn't bring...
Not sure he would have to sell anything to get paid off, just do what Biden is doing with the student loan forgiveness.
Ok, I understand the point. And, as I said I don't totally disagree and want fraud stomped out just as bad as you do. I just feel the DA ran on...
Ok I hear you and don't really disagree, but the "what happens next time" is crap!! this is not Minority Report, and we convict for future crimes.
This is not apology for Trump!!! I would feel the same way if it was the ultra-liberal Soro's deal.
I'm not offended in the least. I just think it's crap for any businessman to be charged with fraud when all parties involved are happy, they did...
You guys crack me up!! Anything and I mean any little shred that is true is tied to everything, as long as it fits your narrative then all of it true.
So a fraud case that everyone involved was happy and made money. That is worth a $355 mil fine? Ok, it sure has become the bizzarro world!!
So, there was never a laptop owned by Hunter that the FBI now claims they have, but apparently, they don't? Hunter's lawyers threaten lawsuits...
So, like I said first it was fake, then it was real, now it is fake. This all while it has been proved to be real, and the computer guy is blind...
Whatever!!! I stated exactly what has been the case! First it was a Russian plant, then it wasn't, now it is again. What is wrong with what I'm...