Approx 53% of the population is under Democrat Governors but they make up 84% of the passings from coronavirus at 2:30 today. I would say that is...
I already provided it but I guess people don't want to see it. You want me to do the whole country's population that way and what it is under Dem...
Small states just having one outbreak at a nursing home can make it look out of control. I guess the best way would be adding all the populations...
Only ones with enough people to mean a lot - some like Vermont due to size will look strange but people can do that if they want.
Nope your posts are pretty unsubstantiated and just hype many times - want to compare some as to what is actually going on?
That is their results with passings showing the Dems look to have not been on top of this stuff early overall like most of the Rep Governors...
The states at the top of these lists with some population (rounded) as of 12:30 today Democrat Governors in bold... 1. NY - 20 per one million...
I admit I don't have the curve for a peak flu season month but I bet it would make this look like child's play. An expert on TV who has been...
Anyone notice the striking difference in how the Democrat and Republican governed states are fairing in keeping the damages from this stuff to a...
Over 80,000 Americans Died of Flu Last Winter, Highest Toll in Years Here is a comparison to look at when this fear mania finally ends.
Many times as well as showing the outrageous claims they made and how much of a joke they are.
[MEDIA] We already see who the fraud is and don't have to wait for the final numbers even. Below is the fraud that CDC and Fauci's agency...
Ok I will find some of the nonsense him and the rest of these frauds were pushing while the rational experts said at the same time it was...
You will have your left wing talking point that we have the most confirmed cases despite having one of the lowest death rates of the western...
I have no problem with it if its justified - My view would be this would be something at this point in time you should be able to have overturned...
I am talking about these draconian measures by these Governors not local stuff. I don't know - did any Governor ever lock down people for weeks...
HHS Inspector General to Investigate Whistleblower Complaint on Trump Admin’s Handling of COVID-19 Outbreak You knew this was coming - Hoax # 3 I...
Looks like we are going to have a lower number for DD today tomorrow morning but its not a good comparison because NY didnt drop any night numbers...