Trump was just talking about when he insisted on Chinese citizens travel ban due to virus that the Chinese then went to Europe to visit Italy and...
[MEDIA] Social distancing on NYC subway system
I think that might apply to some others not me if they think this stuff is still going exponential. I think I will see what Nate Silver has had to...
225,247,266 Hopefully I make my deadline of the DD topping no later than 3/30. Its going to be close. Some experts say this stuff is turning...
Your welcome. Hope I am not disrupting anyone's thoughts that more testing causing more positives means the bug is expanding even more.
What is?
My guess would be about 1 million country wide had this stuff so far and its true death rate is about like the Flu.
Nope the goal of the globalists who control these CDC and WHO puppets to crush Trump and the Western populist movements that led to BREXIT etc....
Bill Gates on coronavirus: We need an 'extreme shutdown' of 6 to 10 weeks I swear these elites don't live on the same planet sometimes as regular...
I think we will not take off now that its almost April and this heat. It is surprising how good we have done so far with so many old people...
Nope he fell for his Doctor's fear nonsense that isn't happening there. I have to give Cuomo a little credit for his talk here. The experts that...
That Dr. Lady is really tearing the models they were using up in a nice way saying data isn't anywhere close to those models - not to be all...
[MEDIA] The same naive Republican Governor that said 100k already had it in Ohio weeks ago and then went crazy lockdown level afterwards. :D
[MEDIA] Expect a lot of this in the next 2 weeks as we top in a few days and then start going down.
Newsome has done a good job but the draconian lockdown hasn't made that possible. Cuomo made major mistakes early on with this.
The US population under Democrat control is approx 53% but they make up 84% of the passings. And the Dems are the ones doing these draconian no-...
No Newsome is the only thing keeping the Dems from being even worse than the numbers I showed. The numbers show these draconian lockdowns aren't...
I didn't throw out any state. I just gave Newsome credit for low numbers since many Dem Govs are doing poorly it appears. That is the whole country.