Shiver me timbers! All the planned morning signings are in, plus several of the guys scheduled to sign in the afternoon have gone ahead and...
Yeah, an OC/OL coach from the worst offense in America? Sounds like a pass to me unless he wants to be an analyst or carry the football bag...
Wednesday morning
Baugh almost always goes forward, but, there is usually a rocket-assisted 3-yard slide sideways in the process.
Two signed and a 3rd committed right now.
Not looking like we get any of those
Agree, but, the Charleston Southern cupcake was the only game all year they scored more than 21.
It's official then. fsu has the worst offense in America. Are you listening Solomon?
This is looking like a "dump anybody and everybody as a last-ditch effort to save my own butt" kind of situation for NorveLLLLLLLLLL.
Really helpful list, Fox.
Good to know. Didn't look like there was even a dedicated visitor section on TV. Looked like all the Gators were spread out around the stadium.
Can't travel with that many, either.
I think this thread may have run its course.
Train is leaving soon and the seats are filling up everywhere.
What do you think about him?
This is quite appropriate after the fsu game. "Road Runner, if he catches you you're through. That coyote is really a crazy clown. When will he...
Saw an article conjecturing about the return of Scott Frost or even Dan Mullen to UCF. I would guess they would probably take either if there is...
He did walk off the field though.
Stepped on a pop-top...