See, I'm thinking 3rd party (or military) come in and just snuff out both sides. Do over!
I was kind of hoping for a massive purge of both sides before the concrete could set then just a boillerplate 4*. Hell, you could even just go...
The D's I talk to don't care. Frankly, they've just given up and are focusing inward. This is all on MAGA now, though the usual losers will still...
Thank your MAGA buddies.
More like feed them the rope. . . . Honestly, that's the best strategy. Let MAGA moron itself out of existence. Remember when D's thought it...
It is what it is. They don't have the tech to do the hardest chips and they don't have access to it or the equipment needed to make them. Period....
Nah, Trump Coin is so you can openly buy policy from him. Like TicTok, or anything CCP. Just watch, dude will be the biggest softie on China...
Sing it Chomsky!!! Nice to see you coming around the commie rabble rouser side. Noam's been there for 5 decades. I'm sure he welcomes you with...
Of course not. This is the CCP we're talking about. Talk and chest thumping. It's all they're good for. Oh, and creating the worst real estate...
I think we see real applications here. Trite, IMO, but real. Again, like all things CCP, it's always begins and ends with a press release. Any...
Any actual evidence of this? Of course not. MAGA just can't help but MORON!
There are a few waiting in the weeds. DeSantis for one. Noticeable lack of ass kissing considering he ran on a Smarter Version of MAGA platform....
Maybe because they are. Every "breakthrough" always ends up fading away. Remember when they developed a phone chip that was just as good as the...
Doesn't really surprise given the amount of surveillance they've been doing on a population of around 1B for a couple decades. Problem for CCP...
That AND subsidize homeowner's insurance? Too big a lift.
I'm trying to do it in a skillet, so I maybe need to just use a roasting pan.
In Russia? At least since the 15th Century, Putin is SOP, minus the hereditary bloodline.
No, simply because there is a difference between competent and incompetent. MAGA clearly being the latter. In fact, they're SO incompetent,...
Cool dude. Then send Vlad a bouquet of flowers. I'm sure Ukraine will be free the moment the delivery is made. Needless to say, if Ukraine had...
I'm not saying go out and kill them, I'm saying always be ready to kill anyone who would kill you. . . . And have the bigger gun! Again, not sure...