A Paula Jones says it was not consensual so thank again Also Juanita Smith charged him by rape
It has been disclosed she "NEVER" used Kavanaugh name to the head shrink Plus the shrink and her cannot agree on how many was there.
So why did she not bring it up then ? Why wait till now ? She had as you say three years . Maybe the offer got higher
Does Roy Moore have anything to do with thread ? If you want to use his name then it is fair to use Bill Clinton
The Republicans just won a seat in Texas that has been held by Democrats for 139 YEARS and the best part is the district is 73% Hispanic and Afro...
No worse than having Bill Clinton or no worse than Dem on the board judging kavanaugh taking money donations from Senator Tom Carper (D) Delware...
Dam she has had 35 years to make her pitch plus since July to make her point What does she need another 35 years
The hard part would be to determine what is credibly accused. Depends on what side of the issue you are on when it comes up. As of right now Pro...
Maybe they fighting over who had the biggest point
He has a 50/50 Chance of being right Better odds than you have
Seems in her younger days pro Ford liked the night life and partying. Even had men fighting over her. Must have been a hot number ":Ms. Blasey...
Here's a timeline: 1982 - Something may or may not have happened with another 2 (or 4) teenagers at a party, she cannot remember who threw the...
How do you remember in vivid detail what happened but have no clue when it happened, where it happened , how it happened, how she got there, how...
Is this the couple dozen you speak of ? More than 50 arrested on Capitol Hill after Senate office Kavanaugh protests - CNNPolitics
And I tend to think she did this not for political or financial gain given this all started with a private letter indicating that she did not want...
subpoena all of them . then you can get the notes and or tapes from the shrink The problem is there is no evidence. Just her say and nothing...
What part is not true
It’s time Republicans told the Democrats to go to hell and vote. Nothing they can say or do will satisfy them The liberal left is going to...
there are a lot holes in that anonymous part Among those are therapist notes from 2012 that Ford gave to the Washington Post to corroborate her...
She is a collage graduate with a Dr degree. If she is that dumb that she thanks she can make this kind of charges against anybody and remain...