Here's a picture of the guy. [IMG]
Uh yeah, that's how inflation works. Wages aren't going back down either. For prices to go back down to what they were in 2019, wages would have...
Ironically he's kinda right about there never being a female president because there so many misogynistic female-hating ogres like him out there...
That's how a president with class and integrity does it. And no, they did not vote for the guy who tried to steal the election from them in 2020.
How so?
If it takes the perfect candidate for the Dems to beat Trump, I don't think Dems are the problem. Why do Dems need the perfect candidate while...
Is it any surprise that a winner like that would be a huge Trump supporter?
Get ready for the real lawfare coming when Trump starts his revenge tour.
That's not what he asked you. How do you explain the chart?
Don't worry, the economy will be 'great' again soon, with 2.3% inflation and 4.1% unemployment.
Here's a clue why certain Americans think the economy is good or bad. [IMG]
Exactly what I was talking about with misinformation being so effective on these people. He thinks government has been the biggest source of new...
The graph says it all, about everything, not just their views of the economy. They fabricate their reality to be what they want it to be. That's...
Trump won't need to change the Constitution. If he gets the people he wants in his administration and in the federal bureaucracy and 'his'...
Just watching the transitions will tell you everything you need to know. Trump pitched a fit, tried to steal the election, attempted a coup, and...
Again why I'm not sure social media and democracy can coexist. People are too stupid to handle it and will find whatever they want to believe.
I think they probably will, unless Trump just starts doing whatever he wants regardless of congressional approval.
Maybe some will. But a lot of them will see that Trump has inflation at 2.3% and unemployment at 4.1% and say that this is the most amazing...
Yeah, I'm not sure that mass social media and democracy can coexist. I don't see any other choice but to try to have them coexist because a...
No, this is solely on the people who voted for Trump. Had the Repubs had any integrity or decency, Trump would not have been the Republican nominee.