hate to say I told you so. it will never see the light of day. The emperor will be pleased.
The gop has been wanting to kill social security from the time it was enacted.
You didn't refer to the potus as the orange god, so you're good ;)
yeah, but he wants to go down in history as the emperor who named it that.
Naming things after people is a way to honor them. Why should we honor those who took up arms against the USA? ( same applies to the j 6 peeps,...
a YUGE sculpture of dear leader looking angry. for $25 you can even go inside and visit the gift shop.
This is what the gop wants.
In many parts of the world, a mob like that would have been mowed down.
Can't stand either ND or ahia state. At least uga or bama didn't win the nc.
More of those " very fine people" on both sides. If it quacks like a white supremacist nazi, well you know the rest.....
Thanks to the revisionists and apologists, this has now been normalized; at least for them. Good times.
Is Cantore standing out in it?
Nothing burger.
How do you know that she or any of the others were not a threat? They were trying to get to where elected officials were. Should security just...
Some of the same gop politicians who were running for their lives that day are now celebrating the mob as heroes. No hypocrisy there at all.
So no credible source. Figures.. Keep spouting the bullshit though.
Can you confirm that he was? Link to a credible source? Or just some guy in his basement posting on x or youtube?
ergo labor camps for people Trump does not like.
Bark about the rule of law as they lament that the mob was not able to get their hands on elected officicals and lynch them. Pathetic.