And there you have it.. Russian generals and many in the Duma are already thinking Putin is nuts and we're only what? 4 days in? Putin keeps...
Just remember if Belarussian or Russian forces fire on Baltic forces, they've fired upon NATO, which means America has to jump in.
Difficult situation to navigate, but if I believe if Poland, Latvia and Lithuania did this, we'd certainly be on the precipice of WW3.
Fortunately, I think they did get most non-fighting civilians out of Kiev.
The Russians need to off Putin to set the example or they'll just get another reincarnation of Putin.
I agree with your sentiment, but America need not risk something like that which could turn sour and be used as propaganda inside Russia. The...
Definitely a strong possibility. It's the easiest play by the West. Let the Russian people and/or military do the dirty work. They just need to...
Just to add, recall Russia's last two leaders were forced out of office by the Russian people. Yeltsin and Gorby. Yeltsin resigned with an...
Long time lurker here and may have nothing of value to add, but this is how it ends, IMHO: now that Biden and the other G7 countries appear to be...