So wonderful to hear from you. Best of luck on 9/1. Shall we plan to meet in Tuscaloosa and watch the Gators? Stuart
You ARE a fast re-repper. I looked around the study to see if you were in the room with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday CD. Hope you and the Lovely Wife Enjoyed the Day.
Merry Christmas to You, Valentina and the rest of the family.
"Yo! You try to be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do" Slinky tells me. So what does that omit? Body shots? Midgets? Gator Chomping the...
Yo Pirate, sure would be nice to be grilling under a big Oak Tree getting ready for the big game. While I am dreaming lets throw in a few ladies...
Lets get going girl...Game Day is here.
Game Day Limb.....I expect to hear Go Gators from your neck of the woods.
Get moving...Game Day is here. Lets hear a big Go Gators.
Hello my West Coast Friend...Go Gators and Roll Tide.
Five Angels for a five point win! Oh My!
Good Morning Go Gators
Yo Pirate, the Season is upon us, go Gators and pass the Rum.
Caught caught the tater. They call me Tater Salad.
We are getting close to a great football season. Hope all is well.
Thanks for visiting me in Shands. I enjoyed the company. And a big thank you for the brownies....they hit the spot.
Thanks for stopping in to visit me at good old Shands. (I am sure the presence of student Nurses was an incentive) The lunch was great and a great...
Happy to be released from Shands. How many sponge baths can one man have in a day? LOL. All jokes aside the Staff at all levels is top notch. Are...
The Nurses have a couple of chairs and portable computer set up right outside my door. Rember the Fart Board with the cornacopia of sounds....well...
Congrat's to you and your family on the big event.