I can't stand Trump. I do not want him to win. I do not want him to run. I would in no circumstance vote for him. This is an outrage. All four...
I try to do the 10k steps a day thing. So I always park as far away from any store as possible. There are usually no cars near me when I park....
My daughter lives in Southampton so I read a lot of the UK papers. I don't pay for the Times I just read what's not behind Pay walls. I don't know...
I would say the free speech laws are different. BBC NEWS | England | Oxfordshire | 'Gay' police horse case dropped ... student who called a...
Apologies I've read several articles on the Obama administration's Iran policy but couldn't find any to include so I cleared it ... I thought.
I've seen that written several places including quotes from his administration. It's a defensible policy. It just turned out to be very wrong....
I'm more shocked by the college protests. I once saw a rally to protest removing a confederate statue. I thought they had a point until I actually...
I assume most people who serve on a jury where a known gang member is charged faces greater risk with fewer resources. We expect common citizens...
Were you ever achin' for a breakin'?
Staffers are still required to dress professionally ... but not senators? No one else finds this strange?
Nutpicking is a logical fallacy that involves picking out the worst members of a group and pretending they represent the group. This fallacy is...
On the radio Shane us saying they are dropping 6 and sometimes 7. Also they are playing soft. "As much as I like to throw the ball you have to run."
A hint, "Lets go Brandon" doesn't really mean "Let's go Brandon". Ask a friend. While your at it ask him what those t-shirts and bumper stickers...
I sang a different Jimmy Buffet song to my daughter. Constantly amazed by the blades of the fan on the ceiling The clever little glances she...
So your take is Scott only won by a little so he's a weak candidate who only won because Florida leans red? You left out the part where Nelson...
They probably feels he won't beat Trump head to head. But if Trumps legal troubles pull him under there is no reason to antagonize his supporters.
Also, I cannot remember the last time the cabinet had more than one Democrat. To what do you attribute their failure? Democrats usually blame...
Wasn't Lawton Chiles the last Democrat.elected to the governorship? I believe Crist was still Republican when he won.Since there won't be another...
It is interesting how this works. Apparently they can't ban hard drugs from food stamps. The White Ghetto | National Review It works like...
Why would there be a civil war? The very basis of our government is derived from the idea of the concent of the governed. Every liberal believes...