Sure as hell sounds like indoctrination to me!
As a Hillsborough County resident, I have one thing to tell moRon DeSantis on the school board elections: Bring it on b!tch!
Now he's coming after the College Board. He truly acts like a petulant child and is suffering from a Napoleon complex.
He was screaming "rigged" in 2016...BEFORE the Iowa Caucus. He's a one-trick pony and his minions believe every single word he utters!
Dear Leader will only focus on culture war issues and continually creates solutions in search of problems. Can't wait to see him have to deal with...
Unless the GOP changes the primary "winner take all" format of selecting delegates, DJT may win the nom again in a crowded field, like in 2016.
If he loses the nom, I wonder if he runs as an independent to drag the GOP down with him?
So now Dear Leader is against capitalism?
Cubans have come ashore in the Dry Tortugas. When will they be sent to Martha's Vineyard? Or are they the "right" migrants to stay in Florida?
I wanted to know the same thing. Haitians have shown up as well. Would be curious if they get one way tickets, but the Cubans do not.
If Kemp decides to run for Senate against Ossoff or Warnock, he would be tough to beat. Was telling my wife that for decades Ga was a very red...
If DJT loses the primary, he will shout "rigged," "fraud," etc. and encourage his supporters to stay home.
And the Qnuts are trying to play the "spurned gay lover" angle. Un-freaking-believable
And the newest FL Supreme Court Justice has the bare minimum of experience (10 years as a member of the Bar). Another political appointment for...
What a disgusting pig. I am so glad I got out of Tampa for the weekend before the uptight, brown-shirt convention got geared up!
The rumors of Gillum's problems came out during the campaign regarding his trip to NYC.
As soon as I read “Kirk” and “DeSouza” I knew this was nonsense. Like the left touting Michael Moore as documentary filmmaker when even he says...
One website pointed out that this revocation would be under Florida Statute section 189.072(2)(a). That statute requires the electors in the...
And summarize it for us
No. It’s already been debunked, but right wing nuts are trying to give it new life. I don’t want to be “that guy” who keeps the conspiracy...