So my current employer and I have been paying into SS and Medicare for 30 years, plus the 8 years I worked in other jobs before I began my career...
Correct. Especially with the GOP rule of "winner take all" with the delegates. DJT will get 40% of the vote and the remaining candidates will...
I get that, but they spent so much time on that story line and then <poof> the whole thing disappeared.
What happened to the $10B purchase of Pierce? Was that deal scutttled?
He just wants to get his base angered so they ignore the real day to day problems. Well done, dear leader.
Il Douchy
And, more importantly, Disney's power needs far exceeded what Orlando could provide at the time. Private corporations couldn't build their own...
DeSantis is a one trick pony: culture war issues. He will have limited appeal across the aisle and to independent voters.
Most doctors can opine an injury is permanent if the patient has 6 months of subjective pain complaints. Getting a doctor to opine an injury is...
I've been defending personal injury cases in Florida for 30 years, you NEED UM coverage. While your health insurance will pay for the medical...
And now dear leader is trying to ban books in PUBLIC LIBRARIES!
As to school vouchers, there are a finite number of openings in private schools. Voucher supporters act like everyone can go private, and that is...
I saw it somewhere, Twitter perhaps. Wish I could take credit for it.
Jackie Faux
Nah. After his POTUS campaign flames out, he'll slink back to Tally as a lame duck and in 2026 he'll find some gerrymandered US House district...
And he runs like a girl
Throw their weight? Former CEO Chapek made a comment about the PRIE law. That's hardly throwing the weight of the Walt Disney Company around....
Will Cain is a D---bag
dear leader has made hirings of university presidents in Florida a complete joke. Sasse was the ONLY finalist for a top 10 public university?...
Sure. Repeal the 26th and 2nd Amendments. Let's see how many heads explode (figuratively).