I only watch financial news, but hearing more businessmen who believe that Biden won't be on the ballot in Nov. I think some people know things.
He certainly won't complete his term. Better like the VP too.
Perhaps we'll get a debate in the fall and the two of them will just stare and mumble at each other. Maybe shake a cane in the air once in awhile....
His schtick got old really quickly for me. Like in seconds. Apparently, plenty of fans are lapping it up, though.
I was calling him a clown for his abuse of our beautiful language. That tweet would get my 10 yr old daughter a failing grade in English class.
Can't believe it took this long for AB InBev to realize they could just scratch a small bribe check to stop some of the bleeding. What a clown...
I'll add you to the list of those heavily in favor of tort reform. You're in good company with our Governor!
It's like watching Fox News and CNN play ping pong.
There are plenty of us not voting for either.
I'm not sure you want to play the fat shaming card in the US. Statistically, half this board probably has the same or worse BMI than Trump. Just...
Of the top 13 strongest hurricanes to hit the US, 3 have occurred in the last 30 years. These guys are a little late to the party. Made news,...
Dems are doing their best to make it a coin flip by nominating a man who will be the oldest president by 10 years as his opponent. Good work all...
There's like 2 Trump supporters in too hot and I'm not sure either one believes the election was stolen.
With the stadium update, some of y'all will have to give your seats up like it or not.
Best since 71? Holy smokes. I personally would take Jason Williams on the team right now.
If this is the "dirt" they are digging up on Haley, she's definitely the most trustworthy option.
Have we elected a president who will be 86 while he's serving his term? The answer is no, because Biden is already the oldest president we've...
Statistically, it's a little better than a coin flip that an 81-year-old man makes it to 86. The voters will have to like the vice presidential...
Channing is a fantasy suffering righty? Who knew.
He's a bad option win or lose. Same as Trump.