Okay, this isn't working. Do whatever the h__l you all feel.
Sorry, I mean the past TWO posts.
Um, sorry. Ignore the last post that just added to the post count when all I cared about was to prevent post accumulation. I thank you.
Personally, I refuse to add to this thread to boost the count total. It is a silly exercise.
If there is anything, Tilly has this on his resume: [img]
Okay, this is my assist: [MEDIA] And no, it was NOT over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
I wasn't sure I was going to post on what is a resolute group of fans. It is what it is. I knew that his "moment" was last year after he lost to...
He is the future....for some team. This is 2024.
Okay, time for some optimism....or some gallows humor: We aren't FSU..........yet.
Time for the band to play, "Nearer, My God, to Thee" A Titanic reference!
It fits the dialog for this game: a joke.
Maybe the team can take a proper shower during halftime and THEN things will work. A Derek Dooley reference! (okay, not supposed to laugh at...
I know this is early, but it fits. Will the last person leaving the building please turn off the lights? We thank you in advance.
C'mon Norvelll, you can DO IT!
JMHO: While I won't say he doesn't care about winning, I would say he is mainly playing with Monopoly money and so the implications for failing...
Not sure why the post-game thread was locked, so I will opine in this one. I saw pretty exciting QB play from Lagway with obvious inexperience....
When you are patently more talented than your opponent, you can look WAY different. But they have to care. Emory Jones made his career about...
First, he needs a "magical" game against Samford. I predict that Napier and Co (if there is one) will play it close to the vest instead of letting...
Not necessarily incorrect, just that if they think they can put lipstick on a pig by spending massive funds to "upgrade" the Swamp and just got...