Maybe try getting the Covid relief bill passed instead of ramming through the Handmaiden to the SCOTUS. Have a more positive impact on American lives.
Agreed. It was a wasted opportunity. A lot of the tools we had in our toolbelt are no longer really available. Contact tracing at this point is a...
I know, I said there would be no math. But this is enlightening and frightening. [MEDIA]
Spare me fringe morons.
Your reasoning, and others like you, is akin to saying not being allowed to drive drunk is an infringement of your rights. You understand the...
Playing the herd immunity card is the policy of fringe idiots. No respected scientist endorses it.
I'm not. But if I was, I would much prefer a 6 week shutdown to limping along for months at reduced capacity with no end in sight hemorrhaging...
Piecemeal shutdown with no national strategy and a President who's downplaying the seriousness of the crisis created a large segment of the...
Probably only take 6 weeks. Better than limping along for a couple of years. Cheaper too.
Heading for the 3rd peak. More Indoor activity and drier air of fall and winter going to increase the spread. With a herd immunity policy in...
‘Long COVID’ may be impacting your entire body
KT consistently tough to bring down this year. Added strength on full display.
Ok. Need to outscore them by at least one point and it's a good day's work.
Trask movement in pocket is so much better. Should result in a lot of big plays this season.
Without that ill advised Trask run call, we'd have this game put away at halftime. Was like a potential 14 point swing.
Surprised Champ not milking clock
Pretty sure they had Toney for an easy TD over the middle before the timeout.