It's the contortions of truth and the crap his supporters make up to try denying or glossing over the lies and crimes that get me. Man up and stop...
I love subtitles. I watch shows in German trying to get a little better with the language because I am terrible at picking up foreign languages.
Yeah, having Rick on your side is a lot like having Nick Fuentes on your side. Not sure that's what you want to hang your hat on.
I had to look up prima nocta.
The irony of you posting this right below a direct quote of Trump doing nothing but lying. Yeah, I know. MSM is making trump say all these lies.
He lies about everything. Maga is fine with that. I think part of his strategy was just to spew so many lies that everyone just got used to it. I...
Dude, you're trying to reason with someone who is becoming more unhinged with each passing day Kamala is upstaging Trump. He's not worth...
Whoever is paying him is getting screwed.
Amazing none of the maga crowd is concerned with his constant lies. Donald Trump's story of scary helicopter trip is fiction, says Willie Brown
Ignore the troll. Child just looking for attention.
It's amazing what maga is telling themselves as their two candidates shit the bed. It's glorious.
Maybe he doesn't consider dc a city, more a district. That's ok to burn.
Holy crap, that was hilarious. Best one yet.
I like Parker but thought she would run this event a little faster. Was expecting her to PR.
Facts aren't really his strong suit.
You should certainly reevaluate your life when Nick Fuentes thinks you're an idiot.
Agreed. I picture a 1945 Berlin bunker type of situation before the last ones are gone.
Col. Jessup: I felt his endorsement should be throated. Kaffee: Full throated? Col. Jessup: [sarcastically] Is there another kind?
Just watched that on youtube. US anchor was stupid fast.
Yeah, Stressed sideliner here too. Don't particularly like the group title but I figured I would land around the middle. I swing right on some...