When people tell you who they are believe them.
And it’s timing. Meyer came when other sec were down. I think Saban’s ascendance was a major cause of his spasms.
Is that valvano’s team
More are probably killed by suicide using the gun or thru accidental discharge then are saved or intentionally killed by guns.
Not in todays modern videoed world.
Doesn’t tv already just put ads on the field whether we want them or not or did I see that in a fever dream.
What is Israel’s goal here? If it’s to create another generation of Terrorists hellbent on destroying the Jewish state. They are succeeding...
It happened all the time in looney tunes and Superman cartoons. lol
I honestly believe that Tilly truly is pro life. There is a large percentage of people who are only pro birth.
I wish we could have removed his access to carry a gun after the first incident. My heart bleeds for this poor kids family.
Well he was right in one of the cases. lol
Saw this on the twitter thread. I made a half way snide comment about how I loved using a scholarship on a specialist. Now let’s get a special...
I love using scholarships on specialists now how about a coach? lol
Weird doctor to put a patient under for a tattoo. Doubt it was a board certified anesthesiologist.
And no religion too? Didn’t mean to bring up religion. It was the only line I was certain I would get right from John Lennon’s imagine.
I caught myself having the ufl on in the background. Now I don’t really watch football anymore unless it’s the gators playing. Spring football is...
I have followed this conflict for close to 50 years. There have been times when Israel was willing to trade land for peace. I don’t think...
And all the political noise is ignoring that one party favors women choosing what to do and the other wants to let men make those decisions for them.
It’s as if he is intentionally acting demented to see if his idiot supporters will follow him no matter what.
Picked by lot like they did in the beginning.