I read this without looking at the poster. I realize this is sarcasm but it read like one of our trump apologists wrote it. Well done.
How much of the white collar crime will be reduced when Trump gets locked up?
taiwan is what everyone calls the island nation not to piss off mainland. Its technical name is the republic of China. The mainland is the...
Wasn’t this the basic premise of the wealth of nations?
I suspect you are having a lark? I ask this question often when given bad multiple choice questions. Why can’t all three be true.
You must be having a lark. Trump seems coherent to you? His grasp on reality has always been tenuous but he has lost it. Biden has never been my...
All things being equal I am for zero tariffs. I think the rise of China is just about over. In the 80s and 90s is was the Japanese before that it...
Near the end of my dad’s life my sister had to take control of his finances. He was never good at making decisions but at the end it was almost...
mob I misunderstood. I thought you wanted to get one regardless and import it. I don’t see it getting permission to import here so no service...
There is more to buying a car than just the vehicle. There is the service aspect which I don’t think China has here. There also is the charging...
Sure they do but right now about 30 percent of those supporting trump are doing it out of habit or because they can’t make competent decisions.
This is insane Biden has many senior moments where he loses his train of thought but he shuts up regroups and continues. The verbal diarrhea that...
Trump sounds fine to you??? That is shocking. Biden was never my first choice for anything. There is maybe only one person I would support him...
My adult sons forgot me on Father’s Day lol and I count that as a win. I am always there to help and assist them. When I don’t hear from them that...
And the Soviets always exaggerated the Russian population. I suspect they are still doing it. Couple that with Russian women aren’t having...
Well I did qualify my answer with almost. lol. Honestly though I typically blame the decision maker more than the lambs being slaughtered.
It’s some really Galipoli level crap going on. I almost feel sorry for the Russian soldiers.
I get that but for an honest debate. There has to be an agreement on the facts. The complete nonsense that people on both sides are consuming...
I think the only thing that can save college sports is congressional action. A system has to be fubar when you look for help from the government. lol
And having intelligence and abilities in one area doesn’t alway translate to others. I think Elon Musk is a great example of that. He is a...