If that's how you define a group of students who frequently don't have the highest academic preparation or background, then sure, have at it....
Checks out. Trump probably wouldn't be attending anywhere with that message present.
I do not. And I said "relative", not "the" highest scores. And that's about all you need to know about me. Now stand in front of a mirror a few...
It means scores on state exams. The word "relative" means when compared to others. Go look it up - it's not complicated. After that, evaluate...
No you don't. Actually, you probably do. Because you are totally ignorant about them. My students are held to the highest standards and excel,...
LOL - you got a 'disagree' rating for a request for info. Teacher here. The answer is to just look at the funding. CityGator provided some...
This seems unlikely to happen as planned, but if it did, would; - Definitely hurt a lot of people - Definitely hurt less well-off families...
Are you sure enough that you can provide some evidence of this? Or are you just saying things?
You have to bear in mind that to him.. .....having a family member gank $2 billion for an investment fund that only generates fees.. ...pretty...
LOL. Says these words. Votes for people who enact spending cuts on things like foreign aid, medicaid, and basically anything that helps...
We do currently have a lying liar lying to us, and a huge right-wing fake news apparatus lying to us, both of which are encouraging our population...
Trumppublicans decided years ago that they were totally OK with crime, in order to own the libz. Well, crime, adultery, rape ,attacking America,...
The attack on our country didn't matter to them. The crime, adultery, and rape wasn't important. But I'm pretty sure we may have finally found...
Send all the J6 traitors there.
Stay on subject; you referenced, and I asked about "fake covid scare of 2020." What do you mean by this? It seems pretty clear that you are...
I'm frequently critical, but for the sake of intellectual honesty, I do have to acknowledge a level of consistency.... ....especially with the...
Did you just describe the dotard you helped elect to the WH? The guy who publicly babbles out laughable, frequently racist, BS based on his...
During the what? Please explain. You do understand that you don't get to mischaracterize contemporary history to your liking? At least not with...