Youve just sent the chatbot into an infinite loop of does not compute I’m not sure that you will will receive a well thought out cogent response...
It was certainly more pleasant around here until matt resurfaced. Just a couple of observations - using the phrase “at risk” is disingenuous wrt...
Yes, 5 min from the stadium
Yes married to a girl who grew up in gainesville
Job #1 vs is protecting GM given uk’s history of cheap play. The rest will take care of its self
As of 9/18/23 this post hasnt aged real well
No, they were dead ball penalties
Nice, they did invent the TOOTHBRUSH for vol fans
FWIW i think Morlais nailed it closer to the actual event. “Trevor Etienne gonna dip and dunk for a huge run.”
Game managers are like point guards in basketball they make the offense run on schedule for all the reasons listed above The other QBs listed...
Damien pierce
The true growth in maturity will be seen by how the team handles success. With GM as QB1 we should remain focused on offense, who emerges as a...
A great investment in coming to the game this weekend!!! Hopefully we have similar results later this season at home
Billy called the TO on 2pt try
Have i missed one of our more prolific posters of advanced metrics when describing our inadequacies to the board? I don't recall seeing any posts...
See post 128
Good news
Paging mr d docket to BHG stadium
Ditto said the same thing to my wife. They need to understand the atmosphere
How dies that work exactly?