Intrinsic value is based on the evaluator. Just like a buyer cannot exist without a seller. If you are on an island by yourself then a gold bar...
You sure are making a lot of assumptions in this post....but it makes for good drama so carry on.
But, but, but......Trump That's not going to work come election time
Somehow this will be the most overlooked part of the article but go ahead and let the pearl clutching and emotional fear mongering commence.
After adoption comes value. Facebook would be an example of this. Users adopted the platform to connect and communicate with family and friends....
Yeah it needed a new thread. I realize liberals don't like it when science and data force them to admit they're wrong. Point of the article is...
When a virus is politically weaponized and the government implements lockdowns and mandates, people are going to push back. It's pretty simple....
Facts finally caught up to the NY Times. Looks like Covid is not really a threat to children. Of course this information was out a long time ago...
Most of the DeFi applications are built on the Ethereum platform. If you believe Defi is here to stay and you recognize the adoption rate then it...
People are actually using it. El Salvador is just one example. Here are some other "The worldwide adoption score — or "Global Crypto Adoption...
I just don't see it as big of a gamble as others. The technology can disrupt a lot of industries.
Have it your way but it doesn't change the fact that crypto is growing faster than the internet and Bitcoin has been the best investment over the...
Funny. We know that you aren't a believer. Without getting too's based on a lot of things like supply and demand, history of past...
There's supposed to be a nice run from now until the end of the year.
Solana to $200 is not a stretch in my opinion.
It really depends on your strategy. I don't ever plan on selling any of my crypto. If I was planning on selling my crypto I think by the end of...
I guess it's all relative but the next few weeks should be very interesting in crypto.
The next few months should be interesting in crypto.
One that sticks with me is Google September 2004. An old high school "friend" had moved to California and started working for Google. I ran into...