Of all the cities in America…
Bless your heart,Rick.
Imagine supporting a rapist felon for president and then ever claiming to care about morality when it comes to presidential candidates. It will...
lol trumptards
Oh yeah totally Rick. For sure.
I don’t think Trump is talking about the small business owners (like in this thread) when he talks about basement dwellers. I think he’s talking...
Karma has her way.
As an American I want what is best for all Americans. God Bless America and Vice President Harris!
I LOVE KAMALA :emoji_heart_eyes:
Imagine liking to suck butt. What a life.
Sure thing. I just hope you acknowledge you’re historically quite bad at this.
You jest but…thank you for your service.
Next thing you know he’ll be claiming sticking a cigar between the cushions doesn’t constitute “sexual relations.” mark it.
oh so now he’s saying the couch gave him head?!? THAT’S how it happened? Sure thing Vance.
tiny little sausage polls
who said the shooter didn’t work alone? you need to work on which “they” you are listening to.
I made a few grand shorting that stock. Rubes.
I’d like to add that my post really isn’t just wishful thinking. If Biden hadn’t stepped down Trump had it in the bag. Game over. I said so...
Vibes to your friend.