You seem all in on the serial adulterer, adjudicated rapist. It's a free country. So enjoy that.
Negative. Likeability is overrated. As is winning elections. It's far more important to have even just the tiniest SHRED of decency. And if...
Fair enough. And if the people of America are foolish and amoral enough to elect a lying, convicted felon, serial adulterer, adjudicated and...
Fair enough. And yet she's still a FAR better option than a lying, convicted felon, serial adulterer, adjudicated and self-admitted sexual...
LOL, and EVERY single one of them, including Harris, is a better option than your convicted felon.
But she does have some positive qualities that her (presumptive) opponent lacks. For example, she's not a lying, convicted felon, serial...
No. Your support of a rapist* speaks for itself. * Adjudicated in a court of law
Man, you said it. The s***- er stuff is amazing. The unacceptable things people now find acceptable. Amazing. Someone needs to buy you a...
She's not a ******g criminal like her opponent? Does THAT count for anything these days? Also, lol'd at your "she dint fix da border!" shtick....
Weird. I don't recall making an excuse for anything. But OK.....
Flush, flush.....derp.
To be fair, we can generally label congressmen and Senators of either party "moderate" if they don't have rhetoric or a record aligned with the...
Sad - Trying to compare post-BLM march riots to the attack on our government organized and enjoyed by your felon. Every dem I know supports...
Anyone surprised by a Trump supporter quoting a convicted felon? :)
Lol. Did you see that debate? Trump didn't answer a single question because he COULDN'T answer a single question. Because he truly is THAT...
Derp, derp.....flush.
Shills for a guy who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and the "political party" that parrots his lies.... .....but talks...
Good thing she's not as bad as THIS guy.[ATTACH]
She's not a rapist, nor was she adjudicated guilty of committing sexual assault. Now your turn to say that about your candidate. Wait, you CAN'T...
No positives for YOUR candidate? Here, I'll help; - he only publicly admitted to committing sexual assault, not actual rape. - the Senate only...