Watch “Caddyshack” for the answer.
Strange dynamic but one I experience also.
Hey you guys,,,,,,
Stupid clown school
His star rating will drop if he commits to UF. Chad will make sure of it.
Go Gators
Got played like a fiddle.
The SEC office can get involved in discipline if they feel the need to. Doubt it will happen and should it, there will be legal challenges. The...
There’s no way to tell until we square off. They have good DEs. About every DE in the SEC is good. Many who are better than what Miami has.
We need to punch a few teams in the throat while on D. Set the mood that we’re ready to fight.
I can’t think of one at the moment. Check back tomorrow.
At this point I’d rather have a better defense. That’s what really stunk last year. Cost us a couple games. Our offense wasn’t bad. If our D is...
Miami has a good offensive line “on paper”. Hopefully Robert’s can draw up some pressure D if they are as good as their rating. Stay Tooned.
His comments are a nothing burger to me considering the circumstances during his time at UF. I wish him well but doubt he last long in the league...
Would that be a HIPAA violation if the player says no to reporting their injury? It’s a federal law.
If he has Walkers speed then look out.
Got it from the people involved. Start with Gary Condron if you know him or know anyone else that does. Without Gary we wouldn’t have near the...