Wasted play
Damn, LSU brought the Village People
This defense will be unrecognizable next year. Wholesale personnel changes through recruiting and the portal. You better be having a good second...
Boys. I wasn’t going to drink tonight. That poop went out the window after the first third and long.
I think this game means a lot to Napier personally. The team will feed off this all week and we win a hard fought battle Saturday night.
There is no excuse
Just a horrible throw
Somebody named Napier needs to flat out chew Toneys ass out, who in turn needs to chew the defenses ass out ( with the exception of Miller).
Just saw a video of downtown Naples. It’s a flowing river. Sister is hunkered down just NE of downtown. Still has power somehow.
. Where’s Joe McCarthy when you need him.
I used to use skin so soft for sand gnats too, that ended after one of the local boys at the boat ramp told me I smelled sweet. I immediately had...
Lurk, thanks for the tip, will check them out next week.
Lurk, looks like there are several Asian markets in Gspot, mainly looking for fresh veggies, mushrooms, and noodles. Tired of Publix’s poor...
This is my favorite thread on Gator Country. 74nole, Lurk, Baz, git your asses in the kitchen and start Tuesday supper.
The only shining light I can fathom is the ‘84 defense looked like .hit against Miami and LSU then settled down and was fierce the rest of the year
I’m sorry grantham has some explaining to do
Targeting rule has ruined defensive football, the rule has to be relaxed. The targeting rule has ruined defensive football, it has to be relaxed.
Whitt ore looks good
Exactly, this poop is just to hard to fathom Exactly, why does he keep shooting himself in the foot
Can we convince Scarlett,Perine,Taylor,Polite and Zuniga to come back, watch freaking out!!!!!